Margaret Morse Nice: The Song Sparrow Whisperer

When Studies in the life history of the Song Sparrow by Margaret Morse Nice first appeared in print in 1937, it was 247 pages long. The ornithological world had never seen anything like it. Preliminary results of the years-long study had first been published in 1933...

Common Raven (Corvus corax)

Tom and I were picnicking in Yellowstone National Park when we were joined by a big black bird, a raven with menacing beak and hunched shoulders. It flew to a nearby tree and watched intently as we fished out the crackers, sliced thick slabs of Munster cheese from a...

American Tree Sparrow (Spizelloides arborea)

The shadows were growing long and our attention spans were waning as we neared the end of the day of our Christmas Bird Count, 2021, Tom and I had been at it for seven hours, but before we called it a day, there was one more road to drive down—315th Street, less than...

Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)

In 1936, Dr. T. S. Roberts and his assistant, Walter Breckenridge, were driving on the road between Minneapolis and Madison, Wisconsin, heading to the American Ornithologists Union annual meeting in Pittsburgh, when they beheld a magnificent sight. A large flock of...

How to Clean a Bird Feeder

The days grow cooler, the nights are longer and folks begin to think about refilling their bird feeders that they might have let sit empty during the summer. Before you fill you feeders with fresh seed from Wild River Audubon’s birdseed sale, though, take a few...