Veery (Catharus fuscescens)

Bicycling the Chisago County back roads on fresh June mornings. I hear the ethereal, fluty call of the Veery. It spirals downward, as if it were blowing through a pipe, hollow and musical. More frequently, I hear their warning call. “Veer, veer,” loud and persistent....

The Leafs’ Big Day

As my Big Birthday approached, my sons proposed an appealing activity: Let’s do a “Big Day” in Chisago County to celebrate! Andy had recently read Kenn Kaufman’s classic memoir, Kingbird Highway: the Biggest Year in the Life of an Extreme Birder, in which Kaufman...

Midsummer Bird Walk at Allemansratt Park

Celebrating the longest daylight of the year, an evening bird walk was held at Allemansratt Park in Lindstrom on June 21.  The day saw a high of 90˚ and temperatures were in the upper 80’s at the time of the walk.  Still, three intrepid birders enjoyed exploring...

The Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)

Some birders speak of “spark birds,” species that caught their eyes and launched them as birdwatchers. Canadian Julia Zarankin, in her wonderful memoir Field Notes from an Unintentional Birder, describes her spark. On her first outing with a Toronto bird group, she...