by Michelle Terrell | Mar 13, 2023 | Birds, Environment
We have had an unexpected avian visitor this winter in our Audubon chapter area. A female Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) is wintering on the St. Croix River below the Highway 8 bridge that connects Taylors Falls, Minnesota with St. Croix Falls,...
by Sue Leaf | Jan 6, 2023 | Birds
The sharp-eyed chickadees in our yard have something to say when I come out to fill our bird feeders. “Dee-dee-dee!” they call. “Dee-dee-dee-! Dee-dee-dee!” as they land on a branch directly over my head. As it happens, they are most likely speaking in “Chickadese”, a...
by Gary Noren | Jan 6, 2023 | Birds, Environment
One beautiful spring evening a pair of sandhill cranes waltzed through our yard with what appeared to be two baby sandhills. Gary snapped a quick photograph of the sandhill family of four as we were sitting down to dinner on our deck. We couldn’t believe our eyes when...
by Joe Sausen | Jan 6, 2023 | Birds, Environment
Our Wild River Audubon Chapter had 33 people involved with counting birds in our area on December17th during our 47th annual Christmas Bird Count, CBC. Sixteen people counted birds coming to their feeders, while the others travelled within the...
by Sue Leaf | Dec 4, 2022 | Birds
A pair of diminutive red-breasted nuthatches has been frequenting our bird feeders in the past several weeks. Smaller and more colorful than their cousins, the white-breasted nuthatch, our pair cut a fine figure with their gray backs and rosy breasts, and jaunty black...
by Sue Leaf | Sep 18, 2022 | Birds
The summer is rapidly drawing to a close. The chorus of birds that I could hear from my bed at 5:00 a.m. in June has dwindled to almost nothing and mornings are silent. We have not been entirely deserted, however. The gray catbird which nested in our yard this summer...
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