The Green Heron, Butorides virescens

By Sue Leaf Tucked away in a small cove of South Lindstrom Lake, a pair of Green Herons were making a fuss. They sat high in a dead tree. Their forms were dark, but I knew their bodies would be a deep green with a rich rusty-colored neck. The birds were hunched, like...

Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia

The sky was gray, the wind was sharp and there were still traces of snow in the ditches when I heard my first Song Sparrow this spring on March 13th. It sang from a hay field, what T. S. Roberts called “the sweet cheery song,” one of the first songsters of the new...

Margaret Morse Nice: The Song Sparrow Whisperer

When Studies in the life history of the Song Sparrow by Margaret Morse Nice first appeared in print in 1937, it was 247 pages long. The ornithological world had never seen anything like it. Preliminary results of the years-long study had first been published in 1933...

Common Raven (Corvus corax)

Tom and I were picnicking in Yellowstone National Park when we were joined by a big black bird, a raven with menacing beak and hunched shoulders. It flew to a nearby tree and watched intently as we fished out the crackers, sliced thick slabs of Munster cheese from a...

American Tree Sparrow (Spizelloides arborea)

The shadows were growing long and our attention spans were waning as we neared the end of the day of our Christmas Bird Count, 2021, Tom and I had been at it for seven hours, but before we called it a day, there was one more road to drive down—315th Street, less than...

Our 46th Christmas Bird Count

Forty-three species seen!The Wild River Audubon Chapter had 28 people counting birds in our area on December 18th during our 46th annual Christmas Bird Count, CBC.  Eleven people counted birds coming to their bird feeders, while the others travelled within the 15-mile...